Suppliers for parts & services
Here you will find the contact details of parts & service suppliers

Manufacturers (OEMs)
Here you will find the contact details of manufacturers (OEMs)

Wind Farm Operators & Energy Suppliers
Here you will find the contact details of wind farm operators and energy suppliers
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Underline your business presence or your interest to establish your company in the wind industry, by entering the overall B2B directory of the international wind energy industry.
After a short and free registration you have the possibility to choose one of our entries like Business Complete,
Business Compact or Business Basic. All information about the prices and the design options are of course available and ready for you!
Our CAMPUS4WIND® team will be happy to assist you with all questions regarding a successful placement in our business directory!
T +49 89 899 884 – 84 | Email – media@campus4wind.org
We look forward to hearing from you!
Newest entries
Hofor A/S
Wind Farm Operators & Energy SupplierWe create sustainable cities based on climate- and environment-friendly supply solutions
Jupiter Bach A/S
SupplierConsors Certification ApS
SupplierCertification of management systems, process and product standards after international standards.