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Corporate Self-Assessment
CLICK the GREEN ICON above to see the published SELF-ASSESSMENT of the company. It consists of a company portrait (PART I) and the performance analysis (PART II) and serves as a transparent flagship of the company and its performance (e.g. as a supplier) in relation to the requirements of the wind energy industry. The publication of the self-assessment via the business directory entry "Business COMPLETE" creates transparency, promotes trust-building and thus increases the opportunities for interaction within the wind energy industry. The underlying assessment catalogue is the result of the collaboration of high-ranking experts and executives from different areas and disciplines within the wind energy industry. It thus reflects a representative cross-section of the requirements of the industry players. The questions in the assessment catalogue are closely aligned with relevant European and international standards and best practices that are consistently applied in the industry. These include ISO 9001 (quality), ISO 18001 (environment), LkSG (protection of human rights in supply chains) and relevant best practices such as APQP, PPAP, FMEA, 8D and others.
Business profile
Digitale Führung + Digitale Kommunikation = Digitale QUALITÄT
Die drei übergreifenden Disziplinen ANGEWANDTE Qualität, Führung und Kommunikation (QLC) sind untrennbar miteinander verbunden. Sie bedingen sich gegenseitig und resultieren auch voneinander - in ein spannendes Miteinander im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung.
emilQ®EXCELLENCE bringt alle drei Elemente digital gestützt zusammen - beratend, in Vorträgen oder in einem umfassenden QLC Masterprogramm mit Abschluss als PRACTITIONER, MASTER, BLACK MASTER oder LECTURER (Dozent mit Lehrgenehmigung).

Add your company now
Underline your business presence or your interest to establish your company in the wind industry, by entering the overall B2B directory of the international wind energy industry.
After a short and free registration you have the possibility to choose one of our entries like Business Complete,
Business Compact or Business Basic. All information about the prices and the design options are of course available and ready for you!
Our CAMPUS4WIND® team will be happy to assist you with all questions regarding a successful placement in our business directory!
T +49 89 899 884 – 84 | Email – media@campus4wind.org
We look forward to hearing from you!