Jupiter Bach A/S
Ihre Kontaktperson
Marta Ordas Tejedor
Theilgaards Allé 4 | 4600 Køge, Denmark
+45 5589 3333
Composite Covers Global no. 1 in design and manufacturing of nacelle & spinner covers
More than 60,000 wind turbinesTogether with our customers, Jupiter Bach is proud to be contributing to a reduced carbon footprint around the world.
See our track record
Devoted to wind
Our work is ambitious, and we must ensure that we are profitable to meet the ever-increasing requirements from the market.
Meet our management
Market-leading products
With the industry’s best-in-class nacelle and spinner covers, we’re 100% focused on wind for a lower Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE).
Innovating and testing new composite solutions
Tap into global production and services through our leading supply chain. We have the flexibility to meet your specific requirements.
Explore our services
Meeting the industry’s demands with high standards and traceability
Quality is a habit the industry expects from us, as we’ve helped it succeed since 1982. Our global quality management system makes certified quality second nature.
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Business Compact oder Business Basic zu entscheiden. Alle Informationen zu den Preisen und den Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten halten wir
selbstverständlich und gerne für Sie bereit!
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T +49 89 899 884 – 84 | E-Mail – media@campus4wind.org
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